Travel News » April 2010 » Ryanair to charge passengers a pound for every penny spent onboard

Ryanair to charge passengers a pound for every penny spent onboard


Budget airline Ryanair has suddenly increased charges for check-in luggage to £20 per bag throughout July and August. According to a report in the Daily Mail this week, Ryanair is also pushing ahead with its controversial plans to charge passengers a pound to spend a penny on its aircraft.

The newspaper claimed Ryanair has asked aircraft manufacturer Boeing to redesign the cabin and install coin-operated toilets on 168 of its planes, although the charges are not likely to come in this year

However airline this week gave passengers less than 24 hours notice of the increase in baggage charges, which came into effect at midnight on Wednesday. It said the rise, from £15 per bag, would encourage passengers to travel light this summer.

As Ryanair's limit for carry-on bags is only 10kg per passenger, most holidaymakers are unlikely to be able to avoid the charge for checking in suitcases.

The fee of £20, which must be paid in advance online, applies to all bookings for July and August. It will push the cost of a return flight up by an extra £40 for a family of four travelling during the school summer holidays.

Ryanair said the majority of its passengers would avoid the increase as 70 per cent travelled with only hand-luggage. Ryanair's fee for checking in luggage will reduce to £15 per bag in September.

Meanwhile, one carrier in the United States has introduced the sort of fees that make Ryanair look generous. Spirit Airlines, which flies mainly to the Caribbean islands and South America, is charging passengers up to $45 for carry-on luggage.

Spirit Airlines will permit passengers one free piece of hand-luggage providing it is small enough to fit under the seat in front. Bags that are so large they must be stowed in the overhead bins will be charged at $30 a piece for pre-booked bags or $45 at the gate.

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